Fashion Bloggers

By Nerina H.

Dear fashionistas, 

How are you? In my gorgeous yet chilly country of Bosnia, the recent temperature has been below freezing. Nonetheless, the fashionistas are braving the cold and keeping up with trendy street style. In this post I want to share with you pihotos of winter outfits from Bosnian bloggers. They are young, ambitious and ready to share their fashion sense with the whole world. We can't wait to see their spring trends in the upcoming months! Fantastic job fashionistas, we adore your blogs! ♥


Dragi nasi fashionisti, kako ste mi ? Iako je u BiH posljednjih mjeseci temperatura 0 stepeni i manje, modni trendovi ne izostaju sa bh ulica. U ovom postu htjela bih sa vama podijeliti fotografije zimskih outfita blogera sa podrucja Bosne i Hercegovine. Oni su mladi, ambiciozni, spremni za nova prijateljstva i zele sa cijelim svijetom podijeliti svoja vidjenja mode i trendova. Mi im zelimo jos puno, puno dobrih outfita! Bravo za BH blog scenu!


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