Hana Hadzic: A Young Angelina Jolie Look Alike

By Elma B.

A gorgeous-young-Bosnian lady approached Club Fashionista after we asked our fellow fashionistas to submit a photo of themselves to be featured on our site for Outfit of the Day. We could not help but to think that she looks very much like the young Angelina Jolie. This young lady's name is Hana Hadzic. She would love to enter the modeling and/or TV host show world; if any scouts are reading this post, please feel free to contact Hana at hanailuya@hotmail.comHere are some of her fun and stunning photos. 

Una guapa joven bosnia nos envió sus fotos a club Fashionista, para nuestra sección del outfit del día, podéis enviarnos unas fotos de tu outfit y serán publicadas en nuestra web en la sección Outfit of the Day. Creo que ella se parece mucho a Angelina Jolie. El nombre de esta hermosa joven es Hana Hadzic. Estas son algunas de sus sorprendentes y divertidas fotos.

Preljepa mlada Bosanska dama nam je poslala svoje slike za Club Fashionista. Svi smo se slozili da veoma lici na maldu Angelina Jolie. 


  1. Bravo za Hannu i zbog izgleda, ali i zbog hrabrosti da se pojavi sa svojim fotkama na Club fashionisti! Like!

  2. She does look like her, only a little younger and bustier. Angelina Jolie is very pretty but I think she is way too skinny now.

  3. @Kathryn Abbots We think both of them are so beautiful! Hana does definitely have her own style and it suits her so well!

  4. You are so pretty! Each and every style you choose just fits perfectly to your face. How did you do that? Can you share a little more about it, it would be of much help to me. Well, I'm not hoping to be like Angelina maybe a little simpler will do.
