Taylor Swift Changing Style

By Elma B.

At the age of 14, Taylor Swift moved to Nashville, Tennessee from Wyomissing, Pennsylvania to pursue a career in country music. After singing with the Big Machine Records and with the release of Taylor Swift's epynomous album in 2006, Swift became a country star. She single handedly wrote some of her own songs, e.g. "Our Song," which made her climb up to the number one spot on the country chart.  She received the Best New Artist nomination in the 2008 Grammy Awards. Taylor Swift plays the guitar and single handedly performs some of her songs. She is only 23 years old. As her career progressed, her style changed. Taylor Swift has sported a country look with wavy and curly hair; she has also worn straight hair with banks; recently, she has vamped-up her look becoming more grown-up, sophisticated and glamorous. For details of Taylor Swift's changing looks, see the photos below.

Con solo 14 años, Taylor Swift se mudó a Nashville, Tennessee desde Wyomissing, Pensilvania, para empezar su carrera en la música country. Después de cantar con los Big Machine Records lanzó el álbum epynomous Taylor Swift en 2006, Swift se convirtió en una estrella del country. Ella sola a mano escribió algunas de sus propias canciones, por ejemplo, "Our Song", que la hizo subir hasta el puesto número uno en laas listas musicales del país. Recibió la nominación a Mejor Artista en los Premios Grammy 2008. Taylor Swift toca la guitarra y sin ayuda realiza algunas de sus canciones y con sólo 23 años de edad. A medida que su carrera progresaba, su estilo cambiaba. Taylor Swift lució un look country con el pelo ondulado y rizado, ella también llevó el pelo liso con flequillo, recientemente, sus looks son cada vez más maduros, sofisticados y glamorosos. Para más detalles de los cambios de look de Taylor Swift, mira las fotos de abajo. 

Taylor Swift EMA Style
Taylor Swift Country Style
Taylor Swift Coat
Taylor Swift Country Style 
Taylor Swift Flowery Skirt 

Taylor Swift at VMAs
Taylor Swift with Conor Kennedy

Taylor Swift in a Spring Dress

Taylor Swift Shopping Style
Taylor Swift Bangs 
Taylor Swift at MTV EMA in Frankfurt 2012
Taylor Swift at the Golden Globes 2013
Taylor Swift at People's Choice Awards in 2013
Taylor Swift Country Style
Taylor Swift as a Child in 1994

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