St Moritz Fashion

By Elma B.

Yesterday, we decided to go for a walk on Corviglia. We took the ski lift up the mountain, and started exploring. There were more than just ski paths; there  were some restaurants and cafes as well as many non-ski paths that descended down the mountain. We walked down the mountain and followed some horse buggies. The snow covered Alps and the rest of the nature was breathtaking. For more details on my outfit of the day and the overall scenery, see my photos below. 

Ayer, decidimos ir a dar un paseo a Corviglia. Cogimos el telesilla hasta la montaña, y comenzamos a explorar. Había algo más que pistas de esquí, hay algunos restaurantes y cafeterías. Caminamos por la montaña y seguimos algunas huellas de caballos. La nieve cubre los Alpes, pero  el resto de la naturaleza era impresionante. Para más detalles sobre mi outfit del día y el paisaje en general, tenéis que ver mis fotos de abajo.

St. Moritz View  

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