Chesa Veglia Desserts

By Elma B.

Chesa Veglia was a farmhouse that was converted by the Bardutt's Palace Hotel into a gourmet restaurant, which serves predominantly Italian and Swiss specialities. There are three restaurants within Chesa Veglia: we chose Patrizier Stuben. We dined there on our second night in St. Moritz. The desserts were delicious: we ordered dark chocolate mousse and cake and had a variety of cookie specialities afterwards. For details, see the photos below. 

Chesa Veglia era una casa de campo que fue convertida por los Bardutt en el Hotel Palace, en un restaurante gourmet que sirve especialidades italianas y suizas. Hay tres restaurantes de Chesa Veglia: elegimos Patrizier Stuben. Cenamos allí nuestra segunda noche en St. Moritz. Los postres eran deliciosos: pedimos mousse de chocolate negro y un pastel, después nos pusieron un gran surtido de galletas. Para más información, mira las fotos abajo.

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