A Chloe Dress

By Amra

We stick to what we know. Yet, what we know may not always work for us. My style, just like many things in my life, is based on what I feel most comfortable with: I adore Boho clothing and always stick to my staple pieces. But, upon insistence from my mom, I bought this beautiful Chloe dress. It is perfect for a dinner party and is so girly (not exactly me). However, when I tried it on and wore it to a dinner party in St Moritz, I must say I felt like a princess. I still added a black blazer over it while in the restaurant (my “comfort blanket”), but just for that night I felt (and maybe acted a little) like someone else. Fashionistas, I suggest you try something new (dress, book, food, travel, or meeting new people) and make sure you get out of your comfort zone! You might surprise yourself on how good your new attitude looks on you! XOXO

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