Darfur George Clooney

By Elma B.

Darfur is a region in Western Sudan, i.e. bordering Libya and Chad. For many years (2003-2010) Darfur was pronounced by the international community to be in a state of humanitarian emergency because there was a war in Darfur between the Sudanese government forces and the non-Arab indigenous population. The war was sparked by the ideology of Arab supremacy. The government armed the Janjaweed militia against its enemies. Consequently, insurgency and counter-insurgency lead to countless deaths and displacement of more than 2.8 million people. 

George Clooney and Don Cheadle
Raise Awareness for Darfur
George Clooney and Don Cheadle with Kofi Annan (top photo), Matt Damon (left) and
President Obama (right) on Darfur
Many people from the villages have gone to camps, which provide basic emergency aid and which are safer than the villages that are constantly plundered by various militias. The region is underdeveloped and has experienced a significant famine in the mid-1980s. Currently, a new Darfur Peace Agreement has been proposed between the Sudanese government and some of the rebel groups. 

Matt Damon breaks the dollhouse to represent all the shattered childhoods in Darfur.
Matt Damon romiendo esta casa de muñecas representa una infancia rota.

As a cry-out for help to stop the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, many celebrities have used their fame to attract media attention to the conflict-ridden region. George Clooney has taken an active role by lobbying for peace in Darfur in the U.S. and abroad. Other notable celebrities who have fought for the cause are Matt Damon and Don Cheadle. 

George Clooney in Darfur
George Clooney en Darfur

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon at a benefit for Darfur 
Ben Affleck y Matt Damon en una acto de caridad en Darfur
George Clooney lobbying in Washington, D.C. for stopping the violence in Darfur

George Clooney en Washington D.C para parar la violencia
George Clooney with President Obama
George Clooney con el presidente Obama

Ryan Gosling raising awareness about Darfur
Ryan Gosling  apoyando un acto de beneficiencia en Darfur

Thadie Newton shattering the doll to represent all the childhoods in Darfur that were destroyed
Thadie Newton rompiendo esta muñeca representa a toda la infancia rota de Darfur

George Clooney lobbying in England for Darfur
George Clooney apoyando a Darfur en Inglaterra

1 comment:

  1. Hey,You have done great thing for people who need love, George Clooney, you are blessed and given the equal love from me. We wish these people will live in peace soon.
    Thank you!!!
