Luxury Bathrooms

By Elma B. 

In case you are thinking of redecorating your bathroom to obtain 100% satisfaction during your beauty rituals, here are some inspirational ideas. Interior design of our homes is very important as we view our home as a sanctuary, i.e. a place to escape all of the world's problems and troubles. Bathrooms are particularly interesting because this is where we safeguard our privacy and some of our ultimate relaxation occurs, e.g., jacuzzi, hot baths, dressing, etc. Thus, why not make it the best experience possible?

I think some of the most feminine bathrooms are a combination of pink and white. What is your favorite fashionistas? Ready for your own luxury bathroom?

En caso de que estéis  pensando en decorar su cuarto de baño para obtener un 100% de satisfacción durante vuestros rituales de tu belleza,os dejo aquí algunas ideas bastante inspiradoras. Creo que algunos de los baños más femeninos son una combinación de rosa y blanco. ¿Cuál es vuestro  favorito fashionistas?




  1. 14th is my favorite. I like more minimalist decoration at home :)


  2. Wow, everything looks beautiful and magnificent! I will bookmark this so when we do a bathroom renovation, I'll have this for ideas. I especially love those white bathrooms accented with pink, they're just lovely. And those vanity units and tubs, so gorgeous! I can't get enough of them.

  3. These are very nice bathroom designs. I love how the tubs, mirror and vanity units compliment each other. I'll bookmark this in case we decide to do a bathroom makeover.

  4. @leah watts We adore these designs as well! Let us know how your bathroom turns out! You can also send us photos of your new bathroom and we would be happy to share them on our site! Wish you lots of luck with your bathroom makeover! =)

  5. I certainly will! Thank you for these inspirations!

  6. These bathrooms look amazing. I can already guess how much it would cost to construct them. So if I were to keep it real, I'd probably pick the last one. It would be perfect for our shabby chic interior design at home.

  7. Gorgeous bathrooms! We'll renovate ours soon because so I'll use some of these as inspiration. But first, we have to fix our drain that's been a wreck for a week now.

  8. Thank you for letting us know. If you would like to share the final outcome of your bathroom and what bathroom/s inspired you, we would love to hear from you at

  9. These bathrooms are amazing, I love the color coordination and the pattern chosen.

  10. Err, the first bathroom looks very creepy to me though the overall appearance of it looks lovely. Perhaps it's about the big foot in there, but if you look at it, it really is pretty and cute.
