Just For Dog Lovers

By Elma B.

As a dog owner, I have grown very attached to my puppy. She is cute, curly and black. The love for my puppy and my search for her clothing (to keep her warm in the winter) produced some very interesting looks. As it turns out, there are many options if you would like to dress your dog in designer clothing.  Here are some ideas to keep your pooch fabulous:  

Como propietaria de una perrita, he crecido muy pegada a ella. Mi perrita es muy bonita con el pelo rizado y negro. El amor por mi perrita hace que la busque ropita para que la mantenga caliente en invierno. Hay muchas opciones diferentes si os gustaría vestir a vuestro perro con ropa de diseñadores,aquí os dejo algunas ideas para que tengáis a vuestro perrito super fabuloso:

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