In Time--Film Review

By Amra B.

Don’t you wish you could just pull a “Bonnie and Clyde” and ride into the sunset with your boyfriend? I do! Hahaha, just kidding!!! Well, if I ever decide to do it, I would want to be just like Amanda Seyfried in the movie In Time! And, well, my choice for the boyfriend would not be Justin Timberlake, but let’s say for the purposes of this post he will do just fine…

I saw the movie In Time, and it become one of my favorite stories ever. I adore both Justin’s and Amanda’s performance in this movie and the storyline is spectacular. I particularly like the futuristic yet elegant styling of Amanda. She looked stunning!

So now we know we can manage to look absolutely fabulous while acting out as Bonnie and Clyde and riding in a car with our dream hero/criminal (again JK)!

Wish you a wonderful day filled with LEGAL activities FASHIONISTAS! =)

¿No te encantaría ser como "Bonnie and Clyde" y ver la puesta de sol con tu novio? Yo lo hago! Hahaha, es broma! Bueno, si alguna vez decido hacerlo, me gustaría ser como Amanda Seyfride en la película In Time! Y, bueno, mi elección para el novio no sería Justin Timberlake, pero digamos que para este post no tendría ningún problema ...

Desde que vi la película In Time, se convirtió en una de mis películas favoritas. Me gustan los papeles que tienen Justin y Amanda en esta película,la historia es espectacular. Particularmente me gusta el estilo futurista y elegante de Amanda. Está impresionante!

Así que ahora sabemos que podemos estar absolutamente fabulosamente mientras pensamos que somos como Bonnie y Clyde y estamos en un coche con nuestro héroe/criminal favorito (de nuevo bromeaba)!

Os deseo un día maravilloso lleno de actividades legales FASHIONISTAS! =)

Jeste li ikada pomislili kako bi izgledalo biti Bonnie i Clyde i sa dragim otputovati daleko negdje da gledamo zalazak sunca? Ja jesam! Hahah, i naravno u masti! Pa, ja i kad bih odlucila na takav cin voljela bih izgledati kao Amanda Seyfridge u filmu “In Time”! Iako moj izbor momka nebi bio Justin Timberlake, za ovaj post on ce biti zadovoljavajuci…

Cim sam pogledala “In Time” u kinu postao je jedan od mojih omiljenih prica. Amanda i Justin imaju sve pohvale za izvrsnu glumu a citava prica je spektakularna. Posebno mi se svidja futuristicki ali eleganti stajling Amande. Ona je izgledala prekrasno!

Sada znamo da mozemo da izgledamo savrseno dok glumimo "Bonnie i Clyde" i gledamo zalazak sunca sa nasim junakom/kriminalcem (opet SAMO SALA)!

Zelim vam prekrasan dan puno LEGALNIM aktivnostima Fashionistas! =)


Amanda Seyfried "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried and Justin Timberlake in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried and Justin Timberlake in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"
Amanda Seyfried in "In Time"

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