Sweaters Fashion

By Elma B.

The winter is here (again). I have always tried to wrap my head around how someone can wear a fairly bulky or bulky sweater and still look chic. Most of us want to keep warm when inside and outside. My tip: if the sweater is pretty large and heavy, wear skinny pants (or you could always try to pull off a Mary-Kate Olsen look with very layered look, i.e., a large/heavy top with a large bottom). So here are some ideas of hipster and chic sweaters I found. What do you think fashionistas? How will you stay warm this winter?

L'hiver est arrivé! Toujours j'essaye de trouver un pull qui est épais et et dans le même temps chic. Evidement, plupart du monde voudrait rester chaud pendant l'hiver. Mon conseil: si le pull est grand et épais, on devrait porter un jean slim (ou on peut imiter Mary-Kate Olsen car elle porte un pull épais avec des jupes et des pantalons qui sont aussi épais). Voila des idées des pulls chic et taille basse. Alors que penses tu de ces pulls?  


Mary-Kate Olsen
Olivia Palermo

Owl Sweater on Kate Bosworth

Rosie Huntington-Whitley 
Owl Sweater

Cool? Why not!

Love this one!

Color is Everywhere!

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