Inspiration is in the Museums

By Amra B. 

I need inspiration for many tasks in my life and I draw it from the most unlikely sources. I often need to inspire myself to go for a jog when it's rainy or cold outside, to review notes from my lectures, to work hard and think “outside the box” for my work, to dress up in the morning when all I want to do is keep my PJs on, and to inspire myself to feel serene and fulfilled.

Me in New York City (Central Park & Soho, respectively)

Before Braving the Cold
One place I have recently (re)discovered in my quest for inspiration is a museum. I was lucky to visit some of the most amazing museums in New York City this weekend, mainly Nuene and Frick. Each is unique in their ambiance and collection. They draw visitors from all over the world with their display of prized pieces. In case you feel these amazing places are a tad pricey, search for days and times they offer free admission to all public. Bring a skecthpad along or a notebook, and while you are there, draw or write ideas you have.

My perfect bag for the "museum day": Salvatore Ferragamo! Below are some pictures from my visit to Neue and walks around the city (the Frick museum unfortunately doesn’t allow any photography):

Central Park

In the Frick Collection Museum 
In the Frick Collection Museum
Enjoying an Organic Hot Dog in Central Park

The Big Apple Around Sunset

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