1920s Fashion

By Elma B.

On this day, we decided to do a mini photo shoot, where we traveled back to the 1920s! 1920s fashion liberated women with its shorter haircuts, loose hair (rather than having it knotted in a bun), cloche hats, and shorter dresses/skirts with ankles exposed. Also, it became acceptable for women to smoke out in the public and go out to the bars and dance the night away. The backdrop to the progress was the end of the WWI and the economic boom that followed in the U.S. 

Thus, 1920s fashion was inspiring because of what it symbolized: liberation of women. Here, the photo filters were in accordance with the 1920s style. As for my outfit, I am wearing a vintage 1920s like faux-fur coat from the 1950s, a black cloche hat which is decorated with a vanilla flower and feathers. Underneath, I am wearing a black sparkly and beaded dress and a chunky silver necklace from Burberry. I bought the cloche hat and the huge white flower with thin wisps of made of feathers in Bologna, Italy. 

What do you think fashionistas? Flashback to the 1920s? Xo.

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