My first encounter with the actual process of using fur was when I met with, over dinner, with a PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) activist.  PETA is one of the most well known and the largest animal rights organization in the world. My friend informed me over dinner that the way the fur (for clothing) is obtained is by sticking an electric piece into the animals anally that kills the animal. The reason that the animals, which are kept in really tiny cages, are killed in such an inhumane and painful way is so that their fur is not damaged. 

With this said, do you want to have on your consciousness that your shopping decisions to buy fur (coats, boots, scarves, mittens, etc.) are supporting animal torture? If the answer is no, simply do NOT buy fur!!! You can look just as fashionable/glamorous by wearing FAKE fur. So next time you encounter fur items, think of the animals being anally electrocuted and dying in agonizing pain. SPREAD THE WORD AND SAY NO TO FUR!!!

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